More than 70% of the utility bills we audit have overcharges!

Let us illuminate, and then eliminate, any overcharges on your utility bills!

Utility bill checkup illuminates

Do you think a utility bill checkup is too good to be true? Some say we check our bills, you won’t find errors. If you don’t have a trained utility bill auditor on staff, then let us check your bills. It costs you nothing upfront. If you get a refund, then you share 50% with us after you receive it.

For those of you still thinking that this is too good to be true or there must be a catch, this is from a letter that a client sent us.

“When we were first contacted by your representative, we were skeptical that this was a case of “too good to be true”. Especially since we review our utility bills, like all our bills, with a keen eye for errors. After much discussion we decided to take a chance and have you use your expertise and see if you would be able to find any errors. Well, did you ever, to a tune of just shy of $10,000.”  – Judy L.  Florida Recreational Park


Get a utility bill checkup see if your $ is sitting on the utility company’s books.           

utility bill checkup identifies your $ sitting on utility's booksDo you know what all those charges, fees, and taxes are on your utility bills?

Why spend your valuable time analyzing your utility bills when we can do it for you?

Our experienced team is ready to audit your organization’s utility and telecom bills to make sure you are not paying too much. And there is no out of pocket expense for our audit.

You’d be surprised what problems a utility bill checkup can identify on your bills. There can be wrong surcharges, incorrect taxes and tariffs, usage anomalies, duplicate billings, erroneous meter readings, and even malfunctioning meters.

Call (609) 933-2666 to find out if your organization is paying too much.


We don’t do an energy audit of your facility, sell you energy-efficient equipment, or connect you to an alternative energy supplier. We audit your utility bills, and do all the work for you.

The services that we audit differ by state, but can include utilities (electric, natural gas, propane, water, sewer, and waste disposal) and telecom (phone, Internet, and cable).

There is no out-of-pocket cost to you. You pay us by sharing a portion of your refund, after you receive it. Our audit is free if we don’t recover $ for you. 

It’s easy to find out if you are overpaying for your utilities – call (609) 933-2666.

There requires little of your time, we do not come onsite and disrupt your operations. Your information is treated confidentially by our auditors who have many years of experience.

Eligible organizations that can benefit from a utility bill audit include:

utility bill checkup nonprofits manufacturing agriculture


  • Agriculture is not only farms, greenhouses, and nurseries, but in some states can include wineries, golf courses, and RV parks.
  • Manufacturers make things and include printers of newspapers, books, and brochures.
  • Government facilities may be your local school or library, a state-owned sports facility, or a federal building.
  • Nonprofit entities are social service agencies, churches, and independent schools, and may include hospitals, credit unions, and veteran organizations.


We help organizations across the U.S. Call Karen at (609) 933-2666 to find out if programs are available in your state and for your industry.

Our clients either receive a refund or
peace of mind knowing they have not been overcharged.

What would your organization do with unexpected money?  You could… 

utility bill checkup highlights overcharges

  • update your technology tools
  • buy new equipment
  • add new clients or programs
  • take care of deferred maintenance
  • include more staff training
  • create additional marketing materials
  • contribute to a mission project
  • pay interns to expand your reach
  • other… (you fill in the blank)


utility bill checkup KarenDon’t let another month go by without finding out if you are due a refund.

There is no risk, no obligation.   We only get paid if you receive a refund.

It’s easy to find out if you are overpaying for your utilities – contact me.                           

Ask to see the many testimonial letters we’ve received from our happy clients.

Karen Wintress, Independent Utility Adviser
(609) 933-2666