Who We’ve Helped

Examples of organizations that we’ve helped:

$50,000 recovery by a stamping plant in Michigan

$10,000 recovery by an elementary school in Florida

$40,000 recovery by a private university in Ohio

$11,000 recovery by a senior housing community in Michigan

These are excerpts from testimonial letters that we have received.   The full letter and many others are available upon request.                            

“It was hard to imagine that there could be an error in our utility billings, as we track these metrics religiously. However to our good fortune, during your review, you uncovered a $43,000 billing error” Greg C., Retirement Community

“I want you to know that we are very pleased with the quality of service your company provides. We certainly appreciate your responsiveness and the way you conduct business. I have recommended your company to our corporate office as well as others because of my satisfaction with your service. We look forward to doing business with you in the future. Please feel free to share our positive experience with others.” Patricia H., Assisted Living Community

“When we were first contacted we were skeptical that this was a case of “too good to be true.” Especially since we review our utility bills, like all our bills, with a keen eye for errors. After much discussion and our due diligence of the company we decided to take a chance and have you use your expertise and see if you would be able to find any errors. Well, did you ever, to a tune of just shy of $10,000.” Judy L. Recreational Park

“Thank you. You were successful in obtaining a sizable refund of charges on our utility bills in spite of my original reluctance. As probably with most of your customers, we hesitated after your original contact, thinking there must be something more to this than meets the eye. But, you did what you said you would do, and we are highly pleased to be working with you. Maury L, Episcopal Church                              

These are a few of the 17,000+ facilities that we have audited. Let us add your organization!

Noteworthy Clients

        Call Karen now at (609) 933-2666 or send an email to karen@utilitybillcheckup.com                       to get your utility bill checkup started.