What We Audit

What’s included in a utility and telecom bill audit?

It depends on…    1. What state your organization is in.  2. The category of your organization. 

Each state has its own utility and telecom bill audit guidelines. These guidelines define which types of organizations are eligible. For example, in one state nonprofits include churches. But in a neighboring state, churches are not included. In only two states, RV parks are classified as agriculture and eligible for an audit. In some, but nto all states, restaurants and hotels are eligible for a utility and telecom bill audit.

For most states we review your bills going back 3 years. In a few states we can go back 4 years. But the great news is you only have to give us one recent bill for each of the services you use. We do all the historical research for you.

Make sure that the utility and telecom bill audit company that you select knows about the different state’s guidelines. Check out the following post to help you select a utility and telecom bill audit company.  Know The Answers To These 8 Questions Before Your Utility Bill Audit Begins

Telecom Services That Can Be Included In An Audit

                Land line and cell phones                                      Internet and cable

Utility Services That Can Be Included In An Audit

For nonprofit organizations in most states your use of electricity, natural gas, propane, water, sewer, and waste disposal will be included. Audits for manufacturer’s will most usually include electricity, natural gas, and propane.

                             Electric                                                                Natural Gas / Propane